Toys 4 Hope
Toys 4 Hope & Hope Snacks
Morgan Gann created Toys 4 Hope when he was 13 years old. Morgan is a Visions of Hope Training Program graduate and was employed by the former Cleaning Crew. Morgan is the son of Jessica Grunewald, co-founder of Hope 4 Autism, and godson to co-founders Dave and Luann Honerkamp. Recently, Morgan also added Hope Snacks to his Toys 4 Hope business. Morgan donates a portion of his earnings from these stores to the Visions of Hope Training Program and other local charities. Morgan is now employed by Dress 2 Impress and attends Mineral Area College.
Toys 4 Hope accepts gently-loved toys, books, plush, games, and family-friendly movies. All donations can be dropped off at Dress 2 Impress.
Morgan created a mascot, Bentley the Bull who encourages anti-bullying and inclusion for all! Be sure to look for Bentley in action at many of our events.

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